The Onlanden is a wet nature area southwest of the city of Groningen where the water moves with the sound of a few streams (Eelderdiep and Peizerdiep) and the Leekstermeer lake. De Onlanden is een nat natuurgebied ten zuidwesten van de stad Groningen waar de grondwaterstand meebeweegt met het peil van enkele beken (Eelderdiep en Peizerdiep) en het Leekstermeer.
Very quiet and tranquil sunrise at Lauwersmeer, The Netherlands.Capturing sunrises in this time of year in NL means being at your location around 5:30. To my own surprise, getting up at 4:30 went rather easy. Trick is to just don't think about the fact that on a regular working day you get up an hour and a half later...