January 29, 2011

This morning I left home early (well, for me it was early for a Saturday morning) and went to the Leekstermeer. The weather forecast was good and I expected quite some nice colours in the sky before the actual sunrise.

It all went differently. At the time the sun was supposed to show her self, she was nowhere to be seen: fog! Only a little colour in the sky.


I just kept waiting for the sun to come. And the waiting turned out to be worth it!




After the sun actually showed herself, I took the opportunity to take some pictures in a different style than I usually aim for. I tried to make use of the nice, warm morning light over the landscape surrounding the lake. Here are some results.



The next two photos were taken at the same location, using a different horizon (high versus low). I think this can be a great location for sunset photography. I’ll definitely go back there in summer to try it out.



Walking back to my car, the sun was in my back still creating lovely light over the landscape. I like all those lines leading to the same point in the distance…


I went to the Leekstermeer before, but at a totally different location. This, however, is a place I will return to. Luckily it’s not very far from home.


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